Do you think about what happens after you wash your dog in the yard or take measures to get rid of insects? Have you ever wondered where all the soap, fertilizer, oil, dirt, and pesticides you use end up after it rains? Stormwater runoff collects these harmful substances and drags it into our storm drains, ditches, and even our nearby lakes, rivers, streams and oceans. Many homeowners may not realize how much stormwater runoff impacts their property and quality of life. The more stormwater runoff your area experiences, particularly your property, the more it suffers.
At Drainage & Erosion Solutions, our team offers over 40 years of experience and is dedicated to ensuring your property drains efficiently and is engineered to reduce drainage and erosion issues. We’ve installed a number of custom yard drainage systems throughout the Centreville, VA area that have efficiently reduced erosion around their homes and much more. Here are a few of the major reasons stormwater runoff is harmful to our environment as well as the many drainage solutions available to help counter this issue:
As previously mentioned, stormwater runoff threatens public health and safety, as it can pick up harmful substances such as oil, bacteria, fertilizer and may contaminate our local water resources. More specifically, it can contaminate drinking water and wildlife it like fish and shellfish.
These seem like distant concerns that won’t end up anywhere near your property, but what may look like a simple issue with a wet yard could pose a more serious threat. Don’t make a habit of splashing around in puddles and call a professional if you deal with runoff on your property.
Stormwater on its own doesn’t have to be a large issue, but with poor drainage comes flooding. Heavy rainfall can damage an already weak drainage system or cause major backups in a system that isn’t built to manage the extreme weather of Northern Virginia. Not to mention severe flooding may be a hazard as flood waters contain serious bacteria, create hazards with electric lines, people can potentially drown and property can become damaged. But even if it’s just an unexpected river that’s keeping you out of your backyard, it’s best to bring in experts before it becomes a severe problem.
Large amounts of stormwater runoff or repeated stormwater issues in the same area can result in the grass and upper layer of sediment being severely damaged or washed away entirely. Your landscape and the integrity of your yard can become a mud puddle all too easily without proper attention and maintenance. To combat erosion on your property, here are a few of the solutions that may work for you:
- Drainage Swale
- Grading
- French Drainage System
- Custom Landscaping Solutions
Install a Custom Yard Drainage System in your Centreville, VA Home Today
Figuring out the specific type of drainage systems or erosion solutions your property needs may be difficult on your own. Our team is happy to help you determine the weak spots of your home to ensure we implement sufficient yard drainage systems that will maintain the health and appearance of your property. If you’re looking for more aesthetic solutions, we can help you with that as well.
Contact our yard drainage system team to discuss your drainage and erosion concerns! Call us at (703) 534-1949 for assistance.