We will be closed from December 23–27 for Christmas and December 30–January 3 for New Year’s.

Waterproof Your Basement Now to Protect Your Home From Winter Weather | Maryland

It won’t be long now, and though you may not be ready for it, winter is soon to be knocking on the door. Heavy snow, high winds, and warm spells can wreak havoc on your home. Didn’t think that waterproofing your basement outside of rainy weather was something you needed to do? Think again.

The winter season can be just as problematic as spring rains in terms of basement problems.

– In winter, the temperatures obviously drops. Meaning that heavy rain has now become heavy snow. Then, as soon as the accumulated snow is treated to a slight raise in temperature (above 32-degrees Fahrenheit), it melts and turns into a torrent of rushing water, penetrating the ground and finding its way into your basement.

– If that very same water is then frozen again as it flows, it can freeze where it stands. This means that your foundation is in danger of cracking, especially in areas where problems may have already existed.

– Your home can also work against you in winter. If you haven’t inspected your downspouts and gutter systems in a while, there is a good chance that they could be problem sites for errant water. As snow settles on your roof, then melts away, gutters need to be ready to remove the steady stream of liquid without overflowing. Any action contrary to this means huge amounts of water will fall next to your foundations and cause serious problems.

Solutions do exist, however. But outside of calling a professional for help, here are some ways to prevent water from entering your home.

– Keep snow at bay by removing it when it accumulates around your home. That way, when it melts, it will be less likely to seep into your basement.

– Clean your gutters right now. Don’t wait for signs of wear. This will leave you without a solution when it is too cold to ascend a ladder.

– Check your downspouts for proper water routing. If they do not feed into an underground drain tile, be sure they are at least directed four feet away from the base of your home.

– Ensure that your sump pump is working and is ready for extra work. Power on the unit, look for problems in the hose, and check that the water is directed away from your home. Frozen water in the unit can cause seizure, whicn can in turn lead to flooding.

For all of your questions and concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us any time.