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Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Basement and Foundation Cracks

Your basement walls and foundation are big players in keeping your house standing upright and being safe for you and your family. Of course, foundation cracks aren’t much to look at. Large, jagged cracks in your foundation can subtract from your home’s appearance and make it far less appealing to a potential buyer. Most importantly, though, even the smallest hairline foundation crack can lead to serious structural issues that may cause the need for expensive repairs or may compromise the safety of your home.


What Causes Basement and Foundation Cracks?

Why do basement cracks form? Can you prevent them from happening? Unfortunately, basement and foundation cracks can form for a multitude of reasons, and many of these reasons are out of your control. Some cracks are caused by pressure from water or soil pushing up against your foundation. As the pressure continues, it weakens your foundation and cracks can form. Other cracks may occur due to your house settling unevenly, or as a result of improper foundation pouring. Extreme weather like heavy rain or ice also causes wear and tear on your foundation and can lead to cracks or other damage.


Problems Caused by Foundation Cracks

So, why are basement and foundation cracks a big problem? Couldn’t you just ignore that small hairline crack and save money? Foundation cracks can lead to a lot of complications and issues, so it’s important that you have any and all cracks inspected right away.

  • Higher potential for water damage: Foundation cracks provide plenty of space for water to get through. This is especially problematic during heavy rain, when too much water may enter your basement and foster mold growth or other water damage.
  • Uninvited house guests: Just like foundation cracks make it easier for water to leak into your basement, it also means there’s room for termites and other pests to squeeze through. Termites are nasty critters that will nibble at your house’s structure once they’ve made their way in, and all too often go unnoticed until serious damage has been done.
  • Shifting house: Cracks already indicate some structural problems in your house, and if they’re not remedied, your entire house can shift. A shifting, moving house can make your walls bow, your floors become uneven, and your doors and windows become unaligned. All of these issues are huge safety risks, so it’s important to have them patched up right away before these problems can occur.
  • Cracks get bigger: Even small, seemingly harmless cracks should be fixed as soon as possible. You may not think these small cracks can do any damage, but these cracks can always grow into a big problem.


Trust Drainage & Erosion to Repair Basement and Foundation Cracks!

Cracks in your basement wall or foundation are a nuisance that can lead to big problems. You shouldn’t ignore even the tiniest foundation crack, and should contact Drainage & Erosion foundation crack repair experts right away! Our experts have over 40 years of combined experience and are dedicated to fixing your home issues as quickly and efficiently as possible. We are proud to provide the Northern Virginia, DC, and Maryland region with unparalleled drainage and erosion solutions.


Don’t ignore those cracks in your basement wall or foundation. Call us today at (703) 534-1949, or use our contact form!