We will be closed from December 23–27 for Christmas and December 30–January 3 for New Year’s.

4 Benefits of Retaining Walls

Retaining walls are a comprehensive solution to problems ranging from uneven land and erosion to persistent run-off. They’re functional and aesthetically pleasing, and a team of professionals can add them to your yard without interrupting your day-to-day life. Moreover, this wise purchase can boost your home’s curb appeal and make your life easier. You might also complement them by adding a drainage swale as well!

At Drainage & Erosion Solutions, we place our Maryland customers at the center of every project to ensure our services meet their needs. Whether adding a retaining wall to combat erosion or downspout extensions to direct water from your roof, we handle our projects with care. To see if a retaining wall suits your lawn, contact us today at (703) 534-1949.

Below, we discuss 4 benefits of retaining walls:

Manage Run-Off

Heavy rain, flooding, and the pesticides homeowners use in their yards seep and collect in storm drains, ditches, and nearby bodies of water. Yet many homeowners don’t understand the direct impact these chemicals can have on their property. For example, fertilizer, oil, and bacteria can make their way through storm drains and ditches to larger bodies of water, creating an immense threat to clean water.

Retaining walls manage run-off by controlling and diverting it to designated areas, such as drainage swales. Hire a professional to assess your drainage and erosion issues, and they can address your problems. The Drainage & Erosion Solutions team can incorporate a retaining wall into your yard. They will know about local regulations and keep design elements in mind during their work.

Prevent Erosion

One of the most significant benefits of retaining walls is their ability to prevent soil from shifting and eroding in your yard. The landscape around your home’s foundations is especially vulnerable to erosion due to rainfall, drainage from other properties, and water leaks. However, retaining walls hold soil against the anchored wall, packing it into position. This capability can protect your home from torrential rains and drainage.

Balance Your Lawn

Homes situated on or close to an incline will face several challenges with foundation and framing damage, sewer line damage, roof damage, and more. While a home on a hillside invites splendid views and a bit of seclusion, erosion and damage constantly threaten the structure.

However, retaining walls can help flatten the lawns of such homes and establish better functionality. These changes could support more outdoor house parties, stairs, or softscapes. Luckily for homeowners in Virginia, the District of Columbia, and Maryland, Drainage & Erosion Solutions works through the winter months to ensure that you have the resources to fix your drainage issues even when things get chilly.

Retaining Walls Maryland

Create a Focal Point

Every yard needs a focal point that other design elements work around. Believe it or not, retaining walls can fulfill this role and add value to your home. They are a fascinating addition to landscapes and catch the eye with their combination of hardscapes and softscapes!

Transform Your Landscape with Retaining Walls in Maryland

Landscaping is a significant commitment for homeowners. Let the professionals take care of your space when you’re considering incorporating a retaining wall—it’s the least we can do! Drainage & Erosion Solutions is an award-winning firm that provides assessment and repair services for Maryland residents. We have engineering and contracting divisions, and our close-knit team has a strong reputation for technical knowledge and outstanding customer service. Contact us at (703) 534-1949 to get started on your next project today!